Dirty talking women I think have the dirtiest stories to share. Take me for example. I am a dirty mommy and a dirty sister. Raised to be an incest slut. However, not by my parents but my siblings. As the baby girl, once I hit a certain age, my big sisters taught me how to suck cock and eat pussy. Our dad lived on a fishing boat 20 days out of the month. And my mom worked 3 jobs to keep the 6 of us clothed and fed. So, they just were never around.
Most of my siblings are 6-10 years older than me. So, essentially, they raised me. But when I got older, I realized that not all siblings fuck like they told me. But by that time, I did not care anymore. I just loved incest. I have one younger brother, and we seem to be the closest because when our older siblings left for college, it became the two of us in the house throughout our high school years.
This Sexy Mommy Love Family Fucking
Growing up in a small fishing town in Canada, not many things to do for younger ones. So, we fucked and smoked a little weed if some one had some. Flash forward almost 30 years, and I have three sons and countless nieces and nephews, and we all still fuck. Plus, I now, have my three horny sons fuck me too. I am divorced. Get this. My husband at the time did not approve of my incestuous ways with my siblings. He gave me an ultimatum. And I picked my family over him.
But it worked out, because that gave me the freedom to fuck my sons. And I groomed them for the day when those young peckers would be hard enough to fuck me. And those days arrived a few years ago. So, now my family fucking includes 3 teenage boys too. How lucky am I?