Dirty talking women can be Native Americans and sexy shemales. I am both. Last week was National Native American day. I am part Native American, part Cuban and all girl. Well mostly all girl. You may have noticed my sexy tranny cock. It is hard to miss at ten inches. I was feeling like celebrating my cultural roots, at least the part of me that is Native American. Native American culture praises special girls like me. That is not done in any other culture that I know about. When I was still living life as a teenage boy, I spent a summer on my mother’s Native American reservation. I did a sweat lodge, lived in a gigantic Tee Pee. I learned about my heritage, and I learned to live off the land. I showered in the lake. I pissed in the woods. I gathered berries off the land to eat. I learned how to make a fire too. It was very liberating to learn about my heritage. Shemales possess dual spirits. The male and female energy are in the same body giving us a more reveled status. If only it was like that in every culture.
Dirty talking women like me, however, are always selling are dual nature to potential lovers. I am the best of both worlds. The masculine side of me is my dominant nature and my ten-inch cock. The feminine side of me includes my long hair, my perfect breasts, my curvy body and my soft skin. I look like a woman, but I fuck like a man. That is the best of both worlds, and why I am revered in my Native American heritage. I met this guy at a Native American Heritage Day festival. He had no clue I was a shemale. He thought he was picking up Pocahontas. He has a fetish for brown skinned girls. I have a fetish for tight assholes and surprises.
I brought him home. Perhaps I should have told him about my special duality, but he seemed to be into stereotypes of Indian women, so I wanted to bust those out of the park, and I did. Dirty talking women are full of surprises, you know? He could not believe that the Pocahontas girl he was trying to pick up had a cock bigger than his. I am a dominant shemale, so I did not let him ruminate on the facts too long. I just tossed him on his back and fucked his ass hard. He was praising my dual nature soon after. You will too. A sexy shemale is the best of both worlds.
Sexy Shemale Carla
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