

Dirty Phone Talk With Nasty Milf Mommy Susan

Dirty phone talkI was having some hot and heavy dirty phone talk with this hot dude I had been sexting with online. The moment our voices connected over the line, he started whispering filthy things in my ear that made me shiver with anticipation.

“Tell me what you want,” he purred into his phone as if reading my mind already knew all of my darkest desires.”I want your cock inside of me,” I moaned back into mine . “Say it louder for everyone at home to hear!” He teased before hanging up abruptly leaving only silence echoing through speakers once more…but not for long!

A few minutes later there was a knock at door – could it be him? My heart raced wildly as i opened revealing none other than Mr Dirty Talk himself standing there looking just as hot if not even more so now that reality had set in! Without any further hesitation or small talk ,we tumbled onto bed together; clothes flying everywhere except where they needed them most: skin against sweaty skin under dim lighting cast by only one lamp.

His hands roamed freely over my body , tracing every curve and dipping into every crevice they could find while his lips trailed hot kisses down my neck towards even more sensitive areas below . I couldn’t help but moan louder than ever before as he found just the right spot between clit and entrance making me wet myself instantly!

“Fuck yeah ,” you growled against skin causing goosebumps to rise up on arms.”You like that dirty talk huh you dumbass fucking whore?” you asked huskily, already knowing answer well enough. “Yes!”I cried out loudly feeling him enter me slowly at first then faster until we were both moving together in perfect harmony under sheets now soaked through with our combined sweat .


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